• Coconut Cacao Balsamic Vinaigrette (Vegan)

    From Chef Justin O’Reilly of Nosh Eatery and Tap, Saskatoon, SK. Canada

    1 tbsp. cacao powder (cacao is cocoa in its raw form. More nutrient dense)

    1 400ml can of coconut milk

    1 tbsp. pure vanilla extract

    3 tbsp balsamic vinegar

    1 tbsp agave syrup

    ½ cup  North Prairie Gold non-gmo cold pressed Canola Oil

    Salt and pepper to taste


    Combine all ingredients except the oil.  With a hand blender, whisk, or Vitamix blender on low slowly add the North Prairie Gold canola oil until fully incorporated and smooth.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.

    This is great on any salad especially kale salads.